Rocky knows

Rocky Knows

Can there possibly be,

any more of a good-natured and

devoted friend than my big, brown dog named Rocky?

My dog; all he has ever known is my care.

In return, he has within

Him only one driving passion and desire,

to live along side and please me.

My boy is not petty, he does not hold any grudges.

He seldom nags, and never talks too much,

In short,He is the perfect friend.

Other than a hopeful encouraging gaze,

Two times a day, like clockwork,

He comes for food.

Rocky does not require much from me.

Except to be protected, loved

And treated fair.

Oh sure, he also lets me know when,

he needs to go outside to do his Duty.

Now that is so much more preferable,

to that other unpleasant option.

How damn smart is that?

Sometimes I don’t even know,

when I have to go to the bathroom,

And I’m an intelligent human.

At least once a day, he

conspicuously stands at the

door, looking to go outside,

for a little exercise.

And gently reminds me,

that a brisk walk would

do me more good, than him.

I can sometimes be a little down,

When along comes my canine therapist,

And lets me bury my face in his soft fur,

drying my tears. Such is his nature.

Even merely going out to my car,

for five minutes,

When I return, I’m excitedly, and

lovingly greeted with a toy, as if

I’d been gone forever.

If I could hook up,

Rocky’s gyrating, maniacal tail,

to my house electricity,

no utility’ bills would ever need to be paid.

Sometimes I swear,

that old boy of mine,

is actually smiling.

I like people just fine,

but I must honestly admit,

in the company of my dog,

I am completely content.

Sure, I occasionally I seek the

companionship of other humans,

As long as my dog,

can come along,

and attend the party, too.

When I was a child,

My father was never around much..

It was in the company of my first dog.

that I truly understood,

that dogs are people too.

Much smarter than

people give them credit for.

The only sad part

to this compatible pairing,

this marriage of the heart,

is that I must outlive my best friend.

Love is love and

gone is gone

and nothing

can ever change that.

That loss has come

to me, more times

than I care to remember.

I weep and mourn and

swear to never ever,

suffer that pain again.

Yet,a sweet new

face with eyes that plead for love

can do wonders to heal

a sad broken heart..

Once more it begins.

I will open my soul

and embrace that precious

young face.

Searching behind the eyes of my new best friend

for a small glimpse of my boy, Rocky.

Remembering the look on his face when I told him

He was the best dog ever.

That’s what’s important.

Rocky knows.


Randy McPeek

All rights reserved


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