The “Perfect ” man

​The “Perfect” Man

He will get inside my head before he crawls into my bed.
He will be an articulate gentleman, but, straight up gangster when it’s time defend me.

He will kiss me in the club, but, beat up the jerk that walks by me and grabs my butt.

He will be sensitive enough to read my poetry in the park, yet, adventurous enough to make love underneath the stars when the sun goes down.

He will not be a “Prince charming”. I don’t need saving.

He will be the beast that steals me away from the fool, and makes me understand what a real man’s touch is supposed to feel like.

You see, it’s not hard to be the “Perfect” man. You will already be perfect if it’s meant to be.

 Randy McPeek

Poets are..

By Randy McPeek 

​Poets are..

Forgetful. But they remember everything. They forget appointments,and what time dinner is.But they remember what you wore,and how you smelled…

On that first date.

They remember every story you’ve ever told them- like ever. But forget what you just said.

They don’t remember to water the plants,or to take out the trash. But they don’t forget how to make you laugh.

Poets are forgetful.

Because…they are busy remembering the important things. Like how to love someone with all their heart. 

I’m over you

​I’m over you

By Randy McPeek

Roses are red,violets are blue. You think you broke me,but, I’m going to show you.

 I’ll come back even stronger than before. Your lies and deceit don’t affect me anymore.

I’ll be even more confident, wait and you’ll see.

You thought you could take my dreams away from me.

My belief in my abilities, and,that is so sad.

You’ll never know the diamond you had.

What was once in ruin is more solid than ever, dispite the fact you tore it down.You thought you were clever.

Now who’s the smart one?.I am, without a doubt. I’ve change who I am, both inside and out. 

I won’t accept anything less than a heart that is true. The days finally come. I’m over you. 

If you ever realize the pain you have caused, If you ever see how you made my life pause.

I hope you don’t hurt anyone else that deep. Because in the end, what you sew, you’ll reap.

Another will come along, that captures your heart and, before you know it, will rip it apart.

Randy McPeek